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Homelessness dashboard

The WAAEH homelessness dashboard, developed by the Centre for Social Impact UWA, visually reports on outcomes related to ending homelessness in Western Australia, helping to determine if efforts are ‘on track’ to achieve this goal.

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Monthly by-name list dashboard

The monthly by-name list dashboard provides near-real-time data on homelessness in Western Australia across five communities.

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VI-SPDAT dashboard

The VI-SPDAT dashboard collates de-identified data from people experiencing homelessness across Western Australia to better understand what support is required.

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AtoZ Factsheet – The role of local government in ending homelessness


AtoZ Factsheet – The role of local government in ending homelessness

Local governments have an important role to play in helping to end homelessness. As the level of government closest to the community and often most directly impacted by homelessness, they are in a unique position to advance a shared community vision to end homelessness.

AtoZ Factsheet – The role of local government in ending homelessness in WA


AtoZ Factsheet – The role of local government in ending homelessness in WA

Local governments have an important role to play in helping to end homelessness. As the level of government closest to the community and often most directly impacted by homelessness, they are in a unique position to advance a shared community vision to end homelessness. Local communities drawing on best practice to make homelessness rare, brief […]

Access to palliative and end of life care for people experiencing homelessness in WA


Access to palliative and end of life care for people experiencing homelessness in WA

The Western Australia Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) commissioned the Home2Health Research Team to explore the availability and accessibility of disability, aged, and palliative care services and supports for people experiencing homelessness. Three snapshot reports were generated from the project with the access to palliative care report available here.

Access to aged care for people experiencing homelessness in WA


Access to aged care for people experiencing homelessness in WA

The Western Australia Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) commissioned the Home2Health Research Team to explore the availability and accessibility of disability, aged, and palliative care services and supports for people experiencing homelessness. Three snapshot reports were generated from the project with the access to aged care report available here.

Access to NDIS and disability support for people experiencing homelessness


Access to NDIS and disability support for people experiencing homelessness

The Western Australia Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) commissioned the Home2Health Research Team to explore the availability and accessibility of disability, aged, and palliative care services and supports for people experiencing homelessness. Three snapshot reports were generated from the project with the access to NDIS and disability support report available here.

50 Lives 50 Homes


50 Lives 50 Homes

The 50 Lives 50 Homes campaign in Perth was the first iteration of what is now known as WA Advance to Zero.

Evaluation Snapshot: Youth Experiences of Housing First


Evaluation Snapshot: Youth Experiences of Housing First

This snapshot explores the challenges and experiences of Housing First for young people experiencing homelessness in Perth, based on the insights gained through evaluation of 50 Lives since 2016.

Connections Week report – Bunbury


Connections Week report – Bunbury

Between Friday 5 and Monday 8 March 2021, the City of Bunbury hosted its first Connections Week. This was a collaboration between 11 partners: Milligan Community Centre, headspace, Anglicare WA, City of Bunbury, South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS), Accordwest, Centrecare, Salvation Army, Doors Wide Open, the In Town Lunch Centre and Ruah Community Services.

Connections Week report – Mandurah


Connections Week report – Mandurah

Between Monday 18 and Friday 22 January 2021, the City of Mandurah hosted its first Connections Week. This was a partnership between Anglicare WA, St Vincent de Paul Society WA, City of Mandurah, Peel Connect, Bridgebuilders, Calvary Youth Services and Ruah Community Services.

Connections Week report – Rockingham


Connections Week report – Rockingham

Between Monday 9 and Friday 13 November 2020, the City of Rockingham hosted its first Connections Week.

Connections Week report – Geraldton


Connections Week report – Geraldton

Between Monday 16 and Friday 20 November 2020, the City of Geraldton hosted its first Connections Week. This was a collaboration between nine partners: Ruah Community Services, Mission Australia, Centacare, Murchison Region Aboriginal Corporation, Midwest Aboriginal Organisations Alliance, the Salvation Army, Desert Blue Connect, Regional Alliance West and Zero Project.

Research report: Community views on homelessness


Research report: Community views on homelessness

The Research Report on Community Views on Homelessness Perth, Western Australia was commissioned by the WA Alliance to End Homelessness in partnership with Shelter WA in 2020.

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Access to palliative and end of life care for people experiencing homelessness in WA


Access to palliative and end of life care for people experiencing homelessness in WA

The Western Australia Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) commissioned the Home2Health Research Te

Access to aged care for people experiencing homelessness in WA


Access to aged care for people experiencing homelessness in WA

The Western Australia Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) commissioned the Home2Health Research Te

Access to NDIS and disability support for people experiencing homelessness


Access to NDIS and disability support for people experiencing homelessness

The Western Australia Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) commissioned the Home2Health Research Te

50 Lives 50 Homes


50 Lives 50 Homes

The 50 Lives 50 Homes campaign in Perth was the first iteration of what is now known as WA Advance

Evaluation Snapshot: Youth Experiences of Housing First


Evaluation Snapshot: Youth Experiences of Housing First

This snapshot explores the challenges and experiences of Housing First for young people experiencin

Connections Week report – Bunbury


Connections Week report – Bunbury

Between Friday 5 and Monday 8 March 2021, the City of Bunbury hosted its first Connections Week. Th

Connections Week report – Mandurah


Connections Week report – Mandurah

Between Monday 18 and Friday 22 January 2021, the City of Mandurah hosted its first Connections Wee

Connections Week report – Rockingham


Connections Week report – Rockingham

Between Monday 9 and Friday 13 November 2020, the City of Rockingham hosted its first Connections W

Connections Week report – Geraldton


Connections Week report – Geraldton

Between Monday 16 and Friday 20 November 2020, the City of Geraldton hosted its first Connections W

Evaluation Snapshot: Aboriginal Experiences of Housing First


Evaluation Snapshot: Aboriginal Experiences of Housing First

This snapshot explores evaluation findings for the overall 50 Lives project, looking at how experie

WAAEH Outcomes, Measurement Framework


WAAEH Outcomes, Measurement Framework

The WAAEH, via Shelter WA, received funding from Lotterywest to develop the Outcomes Measurement Fr

WAAEH Outcomes, Measurement Framework: Dashboard


WAAEH Outcomes, Measurement Framework: Dashboard

The WAAEH, via Shelter WA, received funding from Lotterywest to develop The Western Australian Alli

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