Advance to Zero

The WA Advance to Zero (AtoZ) initiative supports local collaborative efforts to end homelessness, starting with rough sleeping – one community at a time.

What we do

About Advance to Zero

Advance to Zero (AtoZ) is a national initiative of the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (AAEH) that supports local collaborative efforts to end homelessness, starting with rough sleeping – one community at a time.

Using a range of proven approaches from around the world, communities are supported not just to address individual instances of homelessness, or even reduce overall homelessness, but to end it altogether. We define an end to homelessness as being rare, brief and once-off.

Underpinned by a Housing First approach, AtoZ uses a combination of near real-time data collected through by-name lists and service coordination to form a picture of the names and needs of people experiencing homelessness in particular communities.

Each AtoZ community aims to reach a milestone called ‘functional zero’, which is achieved when a community can demonstrate that their system is routinely housing more people than are coming into it.

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Advance to Zero

Advance to Zero in Western Australia

In late 2022, the WA State Government announced funding for the by-name list and support for the Housing First Homelessness Initiative, which has been called the WA Advance to Zero. In Western Australia, there are currently five communities participating in the AtoZ Campaign. These are Bunbury, Mandurah, Rockingham, Perth and Geraldton.

Communities are supported to participate in the AtoZ movement through a series of six-monthly improvement cycles which consist of a range of activities, improvement working groups, service coordination meetings, online and real world learning sessions and a range of other activities to support communities to work together, build capacity and share knowledge, tools and resources.

What we do

The Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness provides support for Advance to Zero communities in WA.

By-name lists

We manage the by-name lists for local communities so that they can have real-time data of how their service system is working, which is used to drive evidence-based improvements to reduce rough sleeping homelessness in their communities.

Place-based coordination

We provide place-based coordination to help local service systems work collaboratively so they can more effectively allocate housing and support resources.

Training courses

We offer a range of quality Housing First training courses to assist services in transforming their work and adopting best practice approaches.

High-quality data

We use high-quality data from the by-name list and the experience of contributors from across our partner organisations to identify bottlenecks and gaps in the local service system and support the design of improvement projects.

Monthly by-name list dashboard

The monthly by-name list dashboard provides near-real-time data on homelessness in Western Australia across five communities.

Monthly by-name list dashboard
Advance to Zero

VI-SPDAT dashboard

The VI-SPDAT dashboard collates de-identified data from people experiencing homelessness across Western Australia to better understand what support is required.

VI-SPDAT dashboard
Advance to Zero

Need help?

Are you experiencing or at risk of homelessness, or know someone who is? Contact these services to speak with someone who will work with you to find the best option to suit your needs.

Need help?
Advance to Zero

Advance to Zero resources

  • All
  • Fact sheet
  • Case study
  • Strategy
  • School resource
  • Dashboard
  • Evaluation

Advance to Zero events

Other work

Advance to Zero

Improvement projects and impact activities

Home2Health has been engaged to work with the WAAEH to develop targeted, impact-focused bespoke research and data interrogation on priority homelessness issues, populations and system/service gaps to inform evidence-led strategies, policy and advocacy.

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Advance to Zero

Evaluation and dashboard development

The WAAEH is working with UWA’s Centre for Social Impact to track the implementation of the Alliance's system change work towards ending homelessness.

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Advance to Zero

Australian Supportive Housing Project

The WAAEH, in conjunction with Micah Projects (QLD) and the Corporation of Supportive Housing (USA), are working together to develop a Supportive Housing Framework and Demand Model (Needs Assessment) for Supportive Housing.

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